Delivering prevention in an ageing world
About the programme
Following our two year-long Delivering prevention in an ageing world programme that sparked conversations from Abu Dhabi to Taipei, Austin, Geneva, Sydney, London all the way to the G20 Health Ministers, the message is clear. It’s never too late to prevent. And the health and economic costs of failing to invest in preventative interventions across the life course are simply too high to ignore.
Delivering prevention in an ageing world programme 2022-25: The Healthy Ageing and Prevention Index
We know prevention is better than cure. We know what works. Now we need to see action. We are developing the Healthy Ageing and Prevention Index, offering a unique and holistic perspective to understanding population health, not just through health indicators but also through an economic and environmental lens. We want this programme of work to sit at the heart of global policy and political engagement on prevention and vaccination across the G20, so that:
- The Index is recognised by international and national organisations and leaders in health policy as the go-to measure of progress on the prevention agenda.
- The Index measures progress and good practice and is a catalyst for change at an international and national level.
- We create a Coalition of the Willing to build consensus, hold Governments to account, demand action and facilitate tangible changes that lead to better health and wellbeing.
The programme so far 2019-2022:
ILC has established itself at the forefront of the global prevention debate. We engaged with political leaders, policymakers and experts from across the globe to understand not only “why” we ought to prioritise prevention across the life course but “how” we can deliver it. As a result:
- We helped convince G20 Ministers in Japan to commit to a joint focus on the prevention of ill health across the life course in 2019.
- We informed the WHO’s and UN’s joint Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030), as well as the WHO Immunisation Agenda 2030, which led to a new chapter on life course and adult immunisation being added.
- We fed into the Department of International Trade’s (DIT) White Paper on Healthy Ageing. “The UK has also provided international leadership in the ageing agenda, with the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) provoking discussions and pioneering solutions around the globe”, DIT.
- We were selected to write a policy paper that informed the G20 in Italy on the role of prevention in global health and the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- ILC’s policy recommendation was adopted in the 2022 changes to the NICE guidelines, recommending that an adult’s waist should be less than half their height to reduce health risks.
Our research found that if we are to learn the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must match commitment with action by:
- Investing in systems and structures designed for prevention
- Democratising access to prevention – to reduce health inequalities
- Inspiring and engaging policymakers, healthcare professionals and individuals – to invest, promote and take action on prevention
- Effectively utilising technology – to improve access to health care, improve uptake rates, reduce barriers and empower patients.
This programme has been supported by:
Upcoming events
Report launch: Moving the Margins: Improving pneumococcal vaccine uptake in marginalised groups
Dates: Thursday, 19 September 2022
Location: Virtual
Time: 12:00pm–1:00pm BST (7:00am EST, 1:00pm CET, 9:00pm ACT)
Join us for the launch of our new report where we will share findings on how we can influence change and improve adult pneumococcal vaccine uptake in marginalised groups across Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, and US.
This event is supported by Pfizer.
Past events
Delivering prevention in an ageing world – Global summit
Dates: Monday, 6 June – Wednesday, 8 June 2022
Location: Les Pensieres, Centre for Global Health, Annecy, France
During our Global summit, we discussed how we can best deliver preventative health interventions across the world and what needs to happen next to see action on prevention in the build-back from COVID-19.
- Prof. David Salisbury, Centre on Global Health Security
- Nicola Oliver, Medical Intelligence (London) Ltd
- Dr Julia Tainijoki-Seyer, The World Medical Association
- Prof. John Beard, ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, University of New South Wales
Global launch: Delivering prevention in an ageing world
Date: Thursday, 7 April 2022
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm GMT
We launched our findings on what works in delivering a preventative approach to health in an ageing world; what we have learned from COVID-19; and how policymakers across the world need to act to ensure prevention becomes a priority as countries build back from the damage inflicted by the pandemic.
Expert roundtable: Delivering prevention in an ageing world – Effectively utilising technology
Date: Wednesday 7 April 2021
Time: 1.00pm to 3.00pm GMT
During this roundtable, we shared a draft consultation paper, collating insights from ongoing discussions with stakeholders on what works in increasing the uptake of technologies that aim to improve access to preventative services, including learnings from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Expert roundtable: Delivering prevention in an ageing world – Democratising access to prevention
Date: Tuesday 9 March 2021
Time: 1.00pm to 3.00pm GMT
During this roundtable, we shared a draft consultation paper, collating insights from ongoing discussions with stakeholders on what works in making prevention easy and accessible to all, including learnings from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Expert roundtable: Delivering prevention in an ageing world – Inspiring and engaging
Date: Wednesday 17 March 2021
Time: 1.00pm to 3.00pm GMT
During this roundtable, we shared a draft consultation paper, collating insights from ongoing discussions with stakeholders on what works in inspiring and engaging policy makers with the prevention agenda, healthcare professionals with promoting preventative services and activities and individuals with uptake of preventative services and activities including learnings from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The NHS White Paper: Harnessing prevention for the success of future reforms
Date: Monday, 22 February 2020
Time: 2.00pm to 3.30pm GMT
The NHS White Paper set out legislative proposals for a Health and Care Bill and commits Government to more joint work on prevention. During this webinar, we discussed:
- How can prevention be best delivered by the proposed reforms?
- How can Government use NHS reform to deliver its commitment to five extra healthy years?
- What needs to be part of the forthcoming plan for public health?
- How can the potential of technology be realised and how can we tackle inequalities in access to preventative health?
Future of Ageing 2020: Together for tomorrow
At our sixth annual conference, we held a session discussing the need for a strategy for a healthier nation, how countries can work together on prevention, the role of (big) data and how we plan for health beyond the pandemic.
Programme launch: Delivering prevention in an ageing world
At this event, we launched the second phase of our Prevention in an ageing world programme, where we will be moving from “why” we need to prioritise prevention to “how” we can deliver it.
A window of opportunity: Delivering prevention in an ageing world
Take a look at our flagship report, which brings together our 2-year global engagement programme on how to deliver prevention in an ageing world. We argue that while COVID has increased and exacerbated inequalities, it has also shown us how fast governments can act. There is a window of opportunity to build on the learnings from the pandemic. But governments need to act now.
Doctor’s orders: Why adherence is critical to improving health outcomes across the life course
Nearly half of all adults and approximately 8% of children (aged 5-17) worldwide have a chronic condition. Yet, studies have consistently shown that adherence to medication is poor; estimates range from under 80% to under 50%, with an average of 50%. Supporting adherence to existing treatment regimes in people with chronic conditions, and those at risk of developing them, as well as encouraging them to make changes to their lifestyles, offers a substantial reward. It’s time to claim it.
Money talks: Investing in proactive health measures to support healthy ageing
Despite international consensus on the importance of prevention and promotion, there’s been too little action for too long – particularly in the form of expenditure commitments. In this report, with ILC-Canada, we use Canada as a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of spending on prevention and health promotion.
Years lost: Boosting life expectancy through preventative health interventions
Although life expectancy has significantly improved across the G20 over the past decades, these improvements can easily hide that we could save many more years lost through simple and effective preventative interventions, such as screenings, vaccinations, management of disease or facilitating healthier lifestyles.
Up in smoke: The impact of smoking on health and economic activity
We know that smoking has a devastating impact – a typical life-long smoker aged 30 can expect to lose about 10 years of life expectancy. But the effects of smoking extend far beyond that. Smoking keeps people in bad health and has a negative impact on the length of their working life and on productivity (although this is often overlooked).
Health matters: Why we must commit to delivering prevention in an ageing world
Despite the clear economic and social benefits of investing in prevention, action on prevention lags behind and preventative services are often the first to be cut in times of crisis. This report sets out why, in the context of COVID-19 and population ageing, spending commitments are urgently needed to deliver prevention in an ageing world.
Delivering prevention in an ageing world leaflet
This leaflet sets out plans for our 2019/ 2020 Delivering prevention in an ageing world programme to move from “why” we ought to promote prevention across the life course to “how” we can deliver it.
Never too late: Prevention in an ageing world
This programme is building on the findings and recommendations from our Prevention in an ageing world programme, which we ran over 2019-2020.
Lost time: Productivity and the flu
In this report we explore the case for action to prevent influenza (flu) among older people.
Prevention in an ageing world leaflet
This leaflet sets out plans for our 2019 – 2020 prevention in an ageing world programme.
Consultation papers
Throughout our programme, we published three consultation papers that set the basis of our consultation through 1:1 interviews, roundtables and discussion events to formulate our policy recommendations.
Using technology effectively – Consultation paper
Our third and final consultation paper identifies the key areas where technology can play a crucial role in helping push forward the prevention agenda.
Inspiring and engaging people with prevention – Consultation paper
Our second consultation paper is seeking to collate insights on what works in inspiring and engaging:
- policy makers with the prevention agenda;
- healthcare professionals with promoting preventative services and activities; and
- individuals with uptake of preventative services and activities.
Democratising access to prevention – Consultation paper
This is the first in our series of consultation papers, gathering evidence and seeking input on what works in democratising access to preventative interventions to tackle health inequalities.
Vaccines and vacation: How can routine immunisation help the European tourism industry post-COVID?
Despite rising cases of the BA.2 Omicron sub-variant, COVID-19 booster vaccines have helped keep severe disease and hospitalisations much lower than anticipated during the winter months. As we head into the spring and summer months, there is hope that life will slowly begin to return to normal. And with the Government waiving all remaining COVID-19 restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers coming to England, the ability to visit other countries without constraint is becoming increasingly more possible.
Best foot forward: How better footcare could help save money for the NHS
The case for prevention in health and social care is one that governments across the world acknowledge, and yet often prevention services are the first to be cut when budgets are tight. Is this sensible? To explore how prevention is more cost effective that crisis treatment, we need to look at what prevention looks like on the ground.
Did the Smoking Kid make any difference
Anyone who has attended a global public health conference over the past decade is likely to have heard about the Thai Smoking Kid. Described as the “world’s cleverest anti-smoking ad”, it uses two children to approach adults to ask for a cigarette. When the adults tell the children that smoking is bad for them the child responds by asking why the adult is smoking and gives a leaflet with a link to a “stop smoking” telephone line. Within ten days, the video was apparently watched millions of times and calls to the stop smoking hotline shot up. But did it actually impact on smoking rates?
Designed for Life? What comes next for health and social care?
Now that all the froth and noise has passed and we have some more of the detail, it’s clear that the implications of the Government’s announcement on health and social care are far reaching, and there are some areas where we can’t say exactly how the reforms will play out.
New transformative agenda for our hospitals
Hear the thoughts of Health and Social Care Writer, Mike George, on the transformative =changes that need to be made across hospital services as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic if the prevention agenda is going to work.
The role of pharmacists in expanding access to prevention across the life course
In this guest blog, Aniekan Ekpenyong and Gonçalo Sousa Pinto from the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) outline the role pharmacists have played in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they could improve access to prevention moving forward.
Removing all restrictions today won’t end COVID-19 tomorrow – Why we need to be cautious and pragmatic with the next steps of the pandemic
For many people in England, 19 July couldn’t have come soon enough. With the government going ahead and lifting all major COVID-19 restrictions, today marks the start of a return to some form of normality: a life without masks, social distancing and other measures to keep coronavirus at bay. But what does this really mean for the future of the pandemic in the UK?
Why is adult vaccination uptake low in Japan?
By David Sinclair, ILC
The number of coronavirus cases has been increasing in Japan over the past six weeks, but vaccination progress continues to be relatively slow. Just around one million people or 1% of the population have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the country.
The NHS White Paper: What does it mean for the prevention agenda?
Blog by Lily Parsey, ILC
The recently published Integration and Innovation NHS White Paper has received very mixed feedback – from those praising it for front-lining a much-needed focus on integrating services, to those criticising it for taking away agency from local authorities and going back on previous commitments. But what does it actually say (and what doesn’t it)? And what does it all mean for the prevention agenda?
One year on from lockdown: Why we need to continue the conversation about vaccines beyond the COVID-19 pandemic
Blog by Patrick Swain, ILC
A year ago today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a speech which marked the beginning of the UK’s first national lockdown. Millions of people were ordered to stay at home to suppress the spread of COVID-19, in order to save lives and stop the NHS from becoming overwhelmed. Life ever since has become unrecognisable.
Can the Olympics prompt a change in Japanese attitudes to vaccination?
This year’s Olympics in Japan could attract 11,000 athletes and around 1 million overseas ticket holders. But as Japan invites the world to their place, the COVID-19 pandemic has put the widespread need for adult immunisation into sharp focus.
Delivering prevention where people are: Mobile health clinics as a case study
Blog by Arunima Himawan, ILC
Most of prevention can and should be carried out outside hospitals, and primary care has a very important role to play here. Prevention should be delivered in places such as in community centres or in the workplace, with the support of the primary care system.
In praise of ‘big data’ and analysis – putting a value on prevention
Blog by Prof Les Mayhew, ILC
Using big data to put a financial value on prevention could transform our decision making and improve our allocation of scarce resources, improve health and save the NHS money. Long considered the holy grail of public health, progress on this front has been faltering at best.
Who gets the COVID vaccine?
Blog by David Sinclair, ILC
In an ageing world, where older people seem much more likely to die of the coronavirus than younger people, the question of who gets a future vaccine and when, is going to be at the front of policymakers minds over the next year. The answer may not be as obvious as it seems.
If healthy ageing is the end point, how do we get there?
Guest blog by Julie Byles, ILC Australia
At the ILC Global Alliance, we see ageing and longevity as the opportunity to live life to its full potential. Longevity is not just about a long life, but it is also about a good life. So, if healthy ageing is the end point, how do we get there?
Exploring the role of prevention in Hong Kong
Blog by Harry Curzon, ILC
In line with our ongoing work exploring the role of Prevention in an ageing world, we recently published a report on healthy ageing in Hong Kong. There is a general consensus that healthcare systems that prevent disease and limit long-term illness and disabilities are good for our health and at the same time play a crucial role in supporting the economic sustainability of health systems.
Exploring the role of pharmacy in the primary health care and the prevention agenda
Blog by Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Community pharmacists and pharmacies have a key role to play in supporting healthy ageing and the maintenance of good health and quality of life across the life course. Harnessing their widespread distribution and accessibility, their close relationship with and knowledge of the community they serve, their long opening hours and, in most countries, teams of highly qualified health professionals, will allow pharmacies to play an even greater role in developing and delivering primary health care strategies, in collaboration with colleagues across the health care team.
G20 commitment to prevention across the life course – what happens next
Blog by Lily Parsey, ILC
In the communiqué published at the end of the 2019 G20 Summit in Osaka last week, leaders have committed to promote “healthy and active ageing through policy measures to address health promotion, prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases… over the life course”.
Longer life is a great problem to have
Guest blog by Ann Keeling, Age International
Longer life – with life expectancy increasing just about everywhere in the world – is often presented as a problem. If so, it is a great problem to have. Of the many questions around ageing societies, one of the most pressing is how can we get the best out of those extra years of life by supporting people to be healthier, more socially engaged and active for longer?
Governments urged to invest at least 6% of health budgets in prevention, as G20 economies lose more than $1 trillion a year from preventable health conditions
The International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) has today launched its G20 flagship report calling on governments to reorient their health systems to prevent and better manage health conditions amid efforts to build back better following the economic fallout from the pandemic.
125 billion euros lost each year across Europe due to non-adherence to medication
The International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC) has today launched a new report, which calls for better support to help people to stick to their “doctor’s orders” by taking their prescribed medication regiments. According to the report, nearly half of all adults and approximately 8% of children (aged 5-17) worldwide have a chronic condition. Yet, adherence to medication for these conditions is as low as 50% in high income countries and even lower in lower income countries.
ILC response to Public Accounts Committee consultation on Government preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic
I am responding to the Committee’s call for evidence on behalf of the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC), the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society. We are responding to this consultation to encourage the Government to learn the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to better protect and enhance the longevity of our population against the threat of infectious diseases.
Social media can help improve vaccination rates, new research finds
New research from the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC) finds that social media advertising can be a cost-effective way of engaging older people in deprived communities with vaccination. After reaching over a million people and generating over 5 million impressions, ILC’s findings show that despite popular stereotypes to the contrary, targeting older users directly on social media is a more effective way of encouraging them to get their jabs than engaging them indirectly through younger people.
Think tank urges European policymakers to act now to increase routine for citizens with chronic medical conditions
The Coalition for Life-course Immunisation (CLCI) and the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC) urges policymakers, healthcare professionals and charities across the EU to address “concerningly low” vaccination uptake among Europeans living with chronic conditions. Published today, the Hitting new heights report calls for more action to ensure people at greater risk have better information and access to vaccination.
Government urged to level-up healthy life expectancy through State Pension Age review
Think tank argues Government must seek to level-up healthy life expectancy ahead of legislating to increase the State Pension Age to 68.
Countries need to up spending commitments on health promotion, urge think tanks
A new report launched today by the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC-UK) and ILC Canada alongside the 15th IFA Global Conference on Ageing urges countries to increase spending on disease prevention and health promotion in the COVID-19 recovery.
G20 life expectancy has been rising but still too many years lost due to preventable causes, argues think tank
A new report launched today by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) finds that although life expectancy has significantly improved across the G20 over the past decades, these improvements can easily hide that we could save many more years lost through simple and effective preventative interventions, such as screenings, vaccinations, management of disease or facilitating healthier lifestyles.
Smoking costs UK economy in excess of £19 billion a year, new report finds
A new report released by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) today argues that anti-smoking measures could save billions across the UK economy.
“Time to double up efforts, not cut spending on health”, think tank warns
Responding to the Office for Budget Responsibility’s fiscal risks report out today, Lily Parsey from the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) argues: “The Office for Budget Responsibility’s latest fiscal risks report out today paints a stark picture – the UK continues to be one of the worst-hit economies by the pandemic across advanced economies, and we’ll likely feel the economic toll of the pandemic for years to come.”
‘Silent epidemic’ of structural heart disease affecting millions across Europe
A new report on structural heart disease published by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) today calls for large-scale awareness campaigns, investment in earlier detection, better treatment and greater data infrastructure. Without this, it argues that the condition, which affects 14 million people across Europe, could place a significant burden on people and health systems across the region.
Inequalities in disability between richest and poorest in the UK more than tripled in past decades, new report finds
ILC’s new report, drawing on a research project led by Newcastle University, finds that ill health and disability have been on the rise in recent decades, while the proportion of life spent in good health has declined. The report argues there is need for urgent action to support people to live not just longer, but healthier lives as part of the Government’s plans to build back better from the pandemic.
Who is being left behind in the delivery of the COVID vaccine?
Arunima Himawan, ILC Research Fellow, responds to ONS data showing that socio-demographic factors impact the likelihood of those aged 50 or over receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
ONS report on avoidable mortality response: Less talking, more spending on prevention
Prof Les Mayhew, Head of Global Research at ILC, responds to ONS data showing that, although falling since 2001, avoidable deaths made up for 22.5% of all deaths in 2019 in the UK.
ILC-UK response to NHS White Paper: Government must not forget the commitment to 5 extra healthy years
Responding to the NHS White Paper published today, David Sinclair, Director of the International Longevity Centre – UK (ILC) – the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, said: “It is promising to see the commitment to more joint working across government on prevention. The case for prevention is clear. We know it is better than cure. We know it is cost-effective. And we know it saves lives. Yet preventative services are too often the first to be cut and the last to receive investment.
ILC-UK response to new ONS statistics on life expectancy
Responding to new ONS Health state life expectancies statistics released today, David Sinclair, Director of the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC), argued: “This new evidence paints a dismal picture of limited progress in improving healthy life expectancy in the UK. In fact, healthy life expectancy at birth has fallen significantly for women between 2017 to 2019 compared with 2014 to 2016.”
COVID vaccine progress highlights urgent need for investment in adult immunisation infrastructure
Responding to the progress on the development of a COVID-19 vaccine, ILC Director David Sinclair commented: “That we are one step closer to a vaccine against Covid-19 is brilliant news. The scientists have done their job. Now it’s time for policymakers and politicians to step up. Having a vaccine which works is just the starting point.”
Press release: New global programme to support Governments to prevent ill health and learn from COVID-19
Following a year-long programme of work, including side events to the World Health Assembly and G20 Health Ministers, specialist think tank ILC-UK is tomorrow launching the second phase of its global programme on how healthcare systems can better prevent ill health in old age and what lessons can be learnt for governments across the world from COVID-19.
Press release: “Keep people healthy to keep countries wealthy”, urges think tank ahead of G20 Health and Finance Ministers’ meeting
“It’s promising to see G20 Health and Finance Ministers coming together at this crucial time. COVID-19 has shown us first-hand that health equals wealth, as countries across the world have plunged into one of the hardest-hitting global recessions of the last century. In an ageing world, coming out of this recession will rely on governments across the G20 better engaging older workers, older consumers, older volunteers and older carers, who contribute immensely to the global economy.”
Press release: “Never too late” to prevent ill health
Representatives of the World Health Organization; OECD, World Economic Forum; the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP); and the United Arab Emirates Prime Minister’s Office will join other UK and global health policymakers in London today at the culmination of a year-long programme of work (Prevention in an ageing world) exploring how health care systems can better prevent ill health in old age…
Press release: Global health leaders meet to galvanise action around healthy ageing
On 28 February 2020, leading global health experts, including speakers from WHO and OECD, will meet in London to drive forward an agenda for change within health systems to prioritise the prevention of poor health in an ageing world…
Press release: Preventing ill health key in unlocking longevity dividend
A new report (Maximising the longevity dividend) to be launched at the ILC’s conference tomorrow will highlight the increasingly significant contribution of older people to productivity. It will reveal that by 2040, the earned income generated by people aged 50 and over may account for 40% of total earnings – up from 23% in 2004 and 30% in 2018. Moreover, by 2028, more people aged 60 and over may work part-time than any other age group except for people aged under 30…
Press release: “Now is not the time for inaction”, argue G20 Health Ministers
At an event hosted by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC-UK), the specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, on Friday 18 October ahead of the G20 Health Ministers’ meeting in Okayama, G20 Health Ministers and global thought leaders agreed to cooperate to prioritise the prevention of ill health across the life course…
Press release: ILC-UK host G20 side event on prevention in an ageing world
At the G20 Health Minister’s Meeting in Japan next week, the International Longevity Centre (ILC-UK), the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, is hosting an event on the importance of prevention in an ageing world with a number of expert speakers including the Rt. Hon. Matt Hancock MP…
Press release: ILC welcomes G20 Leaders’ commitment to prevention across the life course
Following the G20 Leaders’ Meeting in Osaka last week, leaders have committed to promote “healthy and active ageing through policy measures to address health promotion, prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases… over the life course”...
Press release: “Never too late to prevent ill health”
There is already a consensus that preventing disease and limiting long-term illness and disability are both good for our health and will play an important role in supporting the economic sustainability of health systems. However, past decades have seen a continued focus of preventative interventions in early life, with too little attention focused on preventing ill health in later life...
The Global Health, Wellbeing and Prevention Index
Getting ageing well on the global agenda: The Global Health, Wellbeing and Prevention Index
Future of ageing: Reimagining ageing in a changing world
Work for tomorrow: Delivering prevention in the workplace
Has structural heart disease become an invisible epidemic?
Inspiring and engaging people with prevention
Democratising access to prevention
Prevention and the social determinants of health
The role of technology in delivering prevention
Good health underpins a longevity dividend
Prevention in an ageing world – Programme 2019/2020
What role can pharmacists play in the prevention agenda?
Can better health drive a longevity dividend?
David Sinclair discusses prevention at IAGG conference in Taiwan
US Deputy Secretary for Health and Human Services reflects on prevention in an ageing world
Reflections on Prevention in an ageing world G20 side event
Prevention in an ageing world – The role of nurses
“Inaction is not an option” – Prevention in an ageing world
US Assistant Secretary for Health Adm Brett Giroir discusses prevention in an ageing world
Can you help?
We want to work with stakeholders across the world, including key experts, opinion formers and decision makers to push forward our recommendations and create an agenda for change.
If you would like to be involved in the next phase of our work, please email us at prevention@ilcuk.org.uk