Virtual report launch – Peace of mind: Understanding the non-financial benefits of financial advice
Date: Monday 16 November 2020
Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm GMT (9.00am – 10.30am EST)

ILC held a virtual launch of our report “Peace of mind: Understanding the non-financial benefits of financial advice”, supported by St James’s Place Wealth Management.
Speakers included:
- Nigel Mills, MP
- Timothy Fassam, Director of Government Relations and Policy, PIMFA
- Tish Hanifan, Founder, SOLLA
- Andrew Cullen-Jones, Director, Business Development and Advice, St James’s Place
- Arun Himawan, ILC Research Fellow, ILC
- Jackie Wells, ILC Associate
Chair: Nigel Waterson, ILC Trustee
While previous research on the value of financial advice has tended to focus on the financial impact to the person, far less is known about whether there are any wider holistic benefits to receiving financial advice.
Building on our previous research on the financial value of advice, this report explores:
- Whether there are non-financial benefits to taking advice;
- Whether those who have not yet taken advice, perceive there to be non-financial benefits to taking advice;
- Whether non-financial benefits differ amongst different sub-group groups including age, gender, or wealth; and,
- What may be driving the non-financial benefits of advice.
You can download the slides and see the full recording below.