ILC-UK Ageing Society Pub Quiz and 2016 Factpack Launch, supported by FirstPort
Jul 18, 2016 | EVENT
On Monday, 18 July 2016 we were delighted to launch our 2016 factpack. In 2016, our factpack focuses on the challenges and opportunities of housing in an ageing society.
Instead of simply presenting the latest information about ageing in UK society, this year we used our factpack launch to test our guests’ knowledge on a range of issues related to older people and experiences in later life.
Our 2016 factpack was launched at a pub quiz. This unique launch broke away from the run-of-the-mill seminar and allowed participants to network whilst testing their knowledge of the issues of an ageing society.
Our 2016 factpack, The state of the nation’s housing: An ILC-UK Factpack is available to download.
The factpack, and pub quiz launch, was supported by FirstPort.