Webinar: In it together – Making housing for older adults more inclusive
Date: Thursday 16 July 2020
Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm BST (9.00am – 10.30am EDT)

Providers of housing schemes for older people face a unique challenge to promote the social inclusion of their residents from socially diverse backgrounds. New lessons from the Diversity in Care Environments (DICE) project are being developed to provide resources to improve the social connections of such residents, bolster against social exclusion and social isolation, and promote social cohesion in housing with care and support schemes in England and Wales. The project has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
This webinar presented key findings from the first phase of the DICE project, a 2.5-year research study based at the University of Bristol in collaboration with ILC and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (Housing LIN). This phase covered a survey of 700+ residents aged 60+ currently living in housing schemes across England and southeast Wales. Findings informed housing practitioners and officers, providers, professionals in health and social care working with older adults, and policymakers.
The webinar also featured a panel discussion with Housing LIN and Brunelcare, a Bristol-based housing provider, discussing the implications of the research findings for the housing with care sector, including in the context of the challenges due to COVID-19.
Speakers included:
Dr Paul Willis, Senior Lecturer in Social Work with Adults, University of Bristol
Dr Brian Beach, Senior Research Fellow, ILC
Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive, Housing LIN
Jane Ashcroft CBE, Chief Executive, Anchor Hanover
Christina Rees, Community Services Manager, Brunelcare
For general queries on the DICE project, contact Dr Paul Willis at the University of Bristol at paul.willis@bristol.ac.uk