ILC-UK in the news: April 2015

Apr 28, 2015 | BLOG

By: George Holley-Moore

April has seen the ILC-UK publish two major reports: The Missing Million – Recommendations for Actionand The Funeral Time Bomb.

The Missing Million is the third and final publication of a series of reports ILC-UK have produced in collaboration with Business in the Community and Prime, and highlighted the major themes as well as providing recommendations for business and government to help people stay in work longer.

The report was covered in the Daily Mail, as well as the trade press, with coverage in Training Journal and HR Magazine. The geographical scope of the coverage ILC-UK research receives was also demonstrated with this report, from The Lincolnshire Echo to CNBC in the States!

The Funeral Time Bomb, with research that warned the costs of an average funeral could rise to over £5,000 by 2020, received significant coverage both in print and online. The Sun covered the findings, as well as two stories in the Daily Mail. BBC News also covered the findings of the report. In terms of regional press, the story featured in The Scotsman, and online there were articles in the FT Adviser, Mindful Money, Actuarial Post , City Wire and AOL.

ILC-UK continues to spark debate from previous research, with mentions of our event on pension’s advice in The Telegraph this month. We were also asked to provide comment on a story on housing equity in the Daily Mail. In other media mentions, myself and Helen Creighton at the ILC-UK were invited to be panellists on an interesting online live discussion on The Guardian’s website on how to build a better society for older people. And finally, over the Easter weekend ILC-UK’s research on the new pension freedoms was quoted by John Humphries when interviewing the Ministerial spokesperson on the Today Programme.

George Holley-Moore

George Holley-Moore