Community Matters: Ensuring communities offer what older people want
May 8, 2014 | REPORTS
An evidence briefing from the ‘Community Matters’ series
‘Ensuring communities offer what older people want’ is one of a series of three briefings from an ILC-UK and Age UK seminar series exploring how communities need to adapt to an ageing society. This briefings summarise some of the evidence on the topics discussed during the seminars and support a final report, to be launched late May 2014.
This briefing examines what communities provide for older people, how these needs may change (or stay the same) as they age. We know from research on isolation and loneliness that social connections remain an important part of quality of life for many people as they get older, yet as the ‘loneliness epidemic’ continues to hit headlines it is clear that this is not being fully addressed in communities. Exploring how activities and services can maintain and building on social networks is key to maintaining wellbeing within the community.
This paper provides background for a discussion seminar which explored how to ensure the future communities deliver the sort of services and activities which an ageing society demands.
This briefing was prepared by Jessica Watson
The other briefings in this series are available to download: