Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means good quality health services must be available to all, when and where they are needed, without the need to incur financial hardship. UHC is fundamental to improving health outcomes, particularly for largely preventable diseases, and can also contribute to social inclusion, equality, ending poverty, economic growth, and human dignity.
Over the last two decades, there has been vast progress towards achieving UHC. Low- and middle-income countries have made the most improvements since 2000, but there is more to be done to promote equal access to healthcare services. The world is ageing rapidly: by 2050, it is estimated the number of older adults globally will more than double, rising to 2.1 billion, and 80% of them will reside in LMICs.
Ensuring that everyone, regardless of age can experience the benefits of UHC is therefore crucial. Achieving UHC for all at all ages will not only create healthier populations, but more prosperous ones too. And it is the only way that we can make further progress to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal target.
Through this project, we are:
- Working with HelpAge International to engage older people in LMICs and have their voices heard at a global level
- Using our Healthy Ageing and Prevention Index to produce an analysis report on LMICs
- Creating 6 short country profiles – South Africa, Rwanda, Mongolia, Senegal, Vietnam and Zambia – where significant progress has been made in UHC
This project has been supported by Amgen.
Past events
Webinar report launch – Universal Health Coverage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A global policy agenda
Date: Tuesday 18 February 2025
Time: 11.00am – 12.00pm GMT
Location: Virtual, Zoom
Join us to launch our work on universal health coverage in low- and middle-income countries. Our engaging webinar will feature a presentation of our research, insights from expert speakers, and an interactive Q&A session.
Watch the webinar recording here.
Past events
High-level roundtable discussion: Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle Income Countries in Africa – A Global Policy Agenda for Longevity
Date: 28 August 2024
Time: 12.00 – 13.30 BST
Location: Virtual
Join us to discuss how low-and-middle-income countries in Africa have improved in UHC over the last 20 years, and what more there is to be done.
High-level roundtable discussion: Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle Income Countries in Asia – A Global Policy Agenda for Longevity
Date: 29 August 2024
Time: 8.00 – 9.30 UTC
Location: Virtual
Join us to discuss how low-and-middle-income countries in Asia have improved in UHC over the last 20 years, and what more there is to be done.
UNGA high-level side event: Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle Income Countries – A Global Policy Agenda for Longevity
Date: 24 September 2024
Time: 1.00 – 3.00 EDT
Location: The Yale Club of New York City, New York, USA
Join us for a solutions workshop alongside the UNGA meeting in New York.
We want to hear from you
If you would like to get involved in this project or have any questions, please contact Anna van Renen or Arunima Himawan.