Report launch & reception: Health of Older People in Places – Taking a place-based approach to supporting longer working lives
Dates: Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Time: 1.30pm – 5.00pm
Location: RUS 101, Birkbeck, University of London, 30 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DT
Join us for our upcoming Health of Older People in Places report launch, which seeks to understand how the health of older people in the place where they live, is associated with people staying in work in later life.
Inequalities have persisted for too long, and they continue to have wider implications for our economy, including our labour market. Place appears to be an important driver of these inequalities, yet across the UK, place-based solutions to tackling these are not widely implemented.
While the levelling up agenda seeks to address these disparities, we must act quickly. And the cost-of-living crisis makes the need to prioritise place-based solutions to improving health and work outcomes, all the more important.
With research led by University College London (UCL) and in collaboration with the University of Leeds, you will hear the key research findings from those directly involved in the research and ILC on the place-based policy solutions to support better health and longer working lives. Following the discussion, we invite you to join us for a drinks reception.
Please register using the button below.