Redefining lifelong learning: what can we learn from around the world?
As we lead longer and changing working lives, there’s a clear case for employers and governments to invest in lifelong learning. But while there’s an abundance of learning materials and providers out there, people struggle to navigate the increasing supply of learning. There’s a lack of incentives to take the plunge into a new career, and many people simply can’t take the risks that come from taking time out of paid work to train and reskill.
Across the world, there are brilliant examples of government policies and learning schemes that help bridge that gap. These pockets of good practice need to become everyday practice.
Lifelong learning has been a buzzword for too long. Society needs to see swift and meaningful action to build a learning offer that works for everyone and for all ages.
In this project, the ILC is bringing together an international perspective on lifelong learning to understand how continuous education can be sustainable, successful, and accessible for all. For more information, please email
This project has been supported by an unrestricted grant from Phoenix Insights.
Redefining lifelong learning: lessons from across the globe
To better understand the approaches to adult learning and skills in other countries, we consulted with experts in lifelong learning, both from the UK and globally. ILC’s report, Redefining lifelong learning: lessons from across the globe, considers the approaches taken in Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.
While each country’s approach is different, and shaped by its wider cultural, political and economic context, there are some common threads including the:
- learning culture
- range of learning opportunities on offer
- levels of support and investment
- accessibility
You can download the report here
Global approaches to lifelong learning
Guest blog: Empowering older entrepreneurs
“Perhaps surprisingly, most individuals who join our 8-week eLearning programme are women. Approximately 60% of our participants identify as such, and many have returned to entrepreneurship after caregiving or recovering from illness”, says Suzanne Noble, Co-Founder, Startup School for Seniors who has been sharing her expertise on learning through the lifecourse as part of our Lifelong learning project with Phoenix Insights.
Redefining lifelong learning webinar
The report was launched at an ILC webinar with speakers including: Shani Wilson, Phoenix Insights; Chris Butcher, WEA; Caroline Waters OBE, Age Irrelevance Ambassador, Marie-Louise Kok, Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing; Jun Saito, Japan Centre for Economic Research; and Andrew Aitken, Economist, OECD.
If you missed it, you can watch the webinar here
We want to hear from you
If you would like to get involved in this project or have any questions, please contact Anna van Renen.