Prevention in an ageing world – G20 side event
Date: Friday, 18 October 2019
Location: Okayama, Japan
- Dr Yasuhiro Suzuki, Chief Medical and Global Health Officer, and Vice-Minister for Health, Japan
- The Rt Hon. Matt. Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, United Kingdom
- The Honorable Eric D. Hargan, US Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, Singapore
- Prof Julie Byles, Director of the Priority Research Centre for Generational Health and Ageing, University of Newcastle, Australia
- David Sinclair, Director, International Longevity Centre UK
This event was held alongside the G20 Health Ministers’ meeting in Okayama, Japan. It brought together key global policymakers and thought leaders to discuss how the role of healthcare systems in prevention across the life course can be supported, and the benefits that preventative interventions have on economic productivity and health system sustainability.
This event is part of our global engagement series on Prevention in an ageing world that is seeking to reframe the discourse about prevention and to promote preventative interventions right across the life course.
To find out more about the event or how to get involved in our work on prevention, please get in touch with