Modelling dementia

Date: Thursday 15 November 2018
Time: 10.30am (for 11.00am) – 3.00pm
Location: The Lincoln Centre; 18 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3ED

We are delighted to invite you to the findings launch conference for the MODEM project (Comprehensive approach to modelling outcome and cost impacts of interventions for dementia) – one of six projects funded through ESRC and NIHR’s Dementia Initiative in 2014.

In response to the challenges posed by a growing population of people living with dementia, the MODEM project brought together leading researchers from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Newcastle University, the Universities of Southampton and Sussex with ILC-UK to develop a comprehensive set of quantitative models to forecast how many people will develop dementia in England over the next 30 years; identify the unpaid support services available from family and other carers; and highlight the projected costs of treatment and care. Further details of the project are available at

The conference will feature presentations from members of the project team on key findings from the MODEM project, and provide opportunities to discuss these.