Matching the potential: Maximising the trade opportunities of healthy ageing

Countries across the world are ageing. There’s a huge business opportunity to invest in healthy ageing – but are governments and businesses responding fast enough? What’s the innovation landscape when it comes to healthy ageing? And how can businesses trade and scale up to match the potential?

This piece of work, supported by UKRI, maps the opportunities for business, innovation and trade across the world.

While there are pockets of good practice, and examples of promising innovation the world over, we’re not moving fast enough.

  • Government commitments and pledges don’t always link with direct routes for investment.
  • Despite a recognition of healthy ageing as a priority, across the world, healthy life expectancy is still dropping.
  • And we’re still looking at ageing in too paternalistic a way. Healthy ageing is not just about home alarm systems, it’s about how we can live well, do the things we like for as long as possible.

This is a practical guide to the opportunities and key stakeholders across the world and in 4 key economies – China, Japan, Canada and Sweden – that have a specific interest in innovation in the healthy ageing space.