Breakfast roundtable at the Senedd on living well with dementia in Wales
Date: 19 October 2022
In 2018, Welsh Government published its ambitious Dementia Action Plan 2018-2022, setting out a vision for Wales to be a dementia-friendly nation. The plan recognised the rights of people with dementia to feel valued and to live independently as long as possible in their communities. As we near the end of 2022, has this vision been achieved?
During the discussion, we focused on the following questions:
- What is Wales doing that is working well?
- What are the issues and barriers – pre-diagnosis as well as post-diagnosis – which might be preventing people with dementia and their carers from feeling valued and living well?
- Which groups are particularly affected and how can we tackle these inequalities?
- What solutions could be scaled up?
- If you had a magic policy wand, what would be the one policy change you would like to see?