Community Matters: At home

May 8, 2014 | REPORTS

‘At home’ is one of a series of three ‘Community Matters’ briefings from an ILC-UK and Age UK seminar series exploring how communities need to adapt to an ageing society. This briefings summarise some of the evidence on the topics discussed during the seminars and support a final report, to be launched late May 2014.

The home environment is an important factor in the wellbeing of
people of all ages. For older people who are likely to be spending a substantial proportion of their time at home, the significance of a home environment that supports their wellbeing and an active lifestyle within their communities is of amplified importance. Housing issues impact on independence, personal choice, prevention, and joined-up cross-sector services impact substantially on health and wellbeing – with subsequent repercussions on community engagement.

This briefing examines how people ageing in the community can be supported through good design, planning and adaptation of their homes to support their health and happiness.

This briefing was prepared by Trinley Walker