Hitting new heights: Improving vaccination uptake among patients with chronic conditions across Europe
Hitting new heights: Improving vaccination uptake among patients with chronic conditions across Europe
Across Europe, COVID-19 has threatened the health and longevity of society’s most clinically vulnerable groups. Given that 25% of European adults are living with two or more chronic conditions, the case for vaccination has become vital during the pandemic.
Yet when it comes to routine vaccination for other diseases like influenza (flu), uptake in Europeans with chronic conditions is concerningly low. Less than half (45%) were vaccinated against flu in 2018, while vaccination for pneumococcal disease is even lower and ranges between 20% and 30%.
Through conversations with European policy makers, charities and healthcare experts, this report has identified the main barriers affecting uptake of routine immunisation and outlines the following recommendations for stakeholders at a local, national and EU level:
- Vaccination information must be improved: better data-sharing on vaccination uptake and tailored information for specific chronic conditions is needed across Europe
- Local engagement is needed to encourage uptake: HCPs, local organisations and charities need to work together to empower people with chronic conditions to get vaccinated
- Barriers to access must be removed: making vaccination free of charge, as well as improving accessibility, is vital to ensure equal access to routine vaccination
This report was produced in partnership with the Coalition for Life-course Immunisation and was made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from MSD.
Author: Patrick Swain